Monday, 16 February 2009

Lovely lightboxes

Well today was the first time in over a year of self-employment that the benefits of being an employee resonated. Oysters officially disagree with me, but theres no sick pay for me and the briefs aren't going to complete themselves.

I have managed to add quite a bit more to the gallery today too, and thanks to Tom at Double D Creative my lightboxes are fully functional, not just on my own browser! Menswear, surf and teen are starting to bulk out but its time consuming work going through an archive of thousands of artworks in an attempt to pick just a few representatives. Completion seems a distant dream. And I keep thinking of more sub-categories for the site; all over repeats... nightwear... embellishments.........

Friday, 6 February 2009

Brand New Phirefly

My new site goes live after months (years) of talking about it. As much as I'll miss the jolly yellow phirefly and polaroid snaps about the place, it was time to present my work in a more professional context. There's no point paying all that money for hosting if I'm too embarassed to pass my site details to anyone...

I'll be working on adding some content over the coming weeks and will try my best to keep this blog updated!